Built env. talk series: Dr. Dapeng Li

Towards a Computational Framework for Data-driven Wildfire Evacuation Planning in the Wildland-urban Interface


Wildfire poses a significant risk to the people living in the wildland-urban interface (WUI) in the American West. Computerized modeling of wildfire evacuation can help evacuation researchers and practitioners develop a better understanding of the complex wildfire evacuation process and improve public safety. The recent development in wildfire evacuation modeling is characterized by model coupling and interdisciplinary collaboration and provides new opportunities for research on developing a computational framework for data-driven wildfire evacuation planning. The seminar will cover the recent development in wildfire evacuation modeling and how to use different types of data in wildfire evacuation modeling and planning. The challenges and opportunities in data-driven wildfire evacuation modeling and planning will also be discussed. The seminar will conclude with a brief discussion of some preliminary results in data-driven wildfire evacuation planning and relevant tools that are under development. This seminar series is co-organized by CHUD (Center for Housing & Urban Development), GeoSAT (Center for Geospatial Sciences, Applications and Technology), and TAMIDS-DAL (Design and Analytics Lab for Urban Artificial Intelligence @ Texas A&M Institute of Data Science).

Speaker’s information

Dr. Dapeng Li received his Ph.D. in Geography (GIS concentration) from the University of Utah in 2016. He joined the Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences at South Dakota State University (SDSU) as an Assistant Professor in 2017. Dr. Li teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in geographic information systems to train the next generation of GIS professionals at SDSU. His research focuses on GIS and its applications in hazards, public health, transportation, sustainability, and agriculture. Several news media outlets have reported Dr. Li’s wildfire evacuation research. His wildfire evacuation planning research was funded by NSF last year. He has written 26 peer-reviewed journal articles, one book chapter, and three conference proceedings.

Time: 12:30-1:00 pm. US Central Time (Friday, February 17, 2023)

Zoom Meeting ID: 732 641 0814    Passcode: 575829

Direct Link: https://tamu.zoom.us/j/7326410814?pwd=cGZKY045dmVkdzVRLy9MYWhocWorQT09

Faculty Host: Xinyue Ye, Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, TAMU